VPN - Install & Connect

VPN - Install & Connect

Before You Start

Warning: You cannot connect to the VPN while on-campus. These steps will only work if you are off-campus.

What is VPN?

VPN stands for virtual private network. It allows Clark community members to securely access Clark University network resources when working remotely.

Install VPN

  1. In your internet browser, navigate to https://vpn.clarku.edu

  2. If prompted, log in with your Clark email address and your usual password. You may be asked to authenticate using multi-factor authentication (MFA).

  3. Choose the correct installer for your device.

    1. Most Windows users will need Windows 64 bit GlobalProtect Agent

    2. If you’re unsure on which is appropriate for you, click here to learn which bit rate your computer has.

  4. Locate the installer in the Downloads section of your computer. Double-click the file to open it.

    1. The file is usually called GlobalProtect64.msi

  5. Follow GlobalProtect prompts. Clicking Next will set up VPN using default settings.

  6. If asked “Do you want to allow this app to make changes to your device?” choose Yes.

  7. Wait for the installation to complete. Do not turn off your computer.

Connect to VPN

  1. Connect to the internet. Most people will be connecting to their home WiFi.

  2. Windows: Open GlobalProtect from your system tray by clicking on the upward-facing caret in the bottom right of your screen. Then, click on the Global Protect icon (a grey globe).

  3. Mac: Locate the Global Protect icon in the toolbar in the upper right corner of your screen. Click on it.

  4. Enter vpn.clarku.edu as the portal address. Click Connect.

  5. Enter your Clark username (NOT the full email address) and password. Click Sign In.

    1. If you are already logged in, you may not see this screen.

  6. Your web browser may open asking for you to log in again to your Clark University account (using your full Clark email address and password).

  7. A new window will display Clark University’s VPN Policy and a disclaimer. Close this window after reading the policy.

  8. You are now connected to the Clark University VPN.


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